Hello and welcome to Cheese Toast's Wine Reviews. My name is Chris, and along with my girlfriend Julia we intend to post reviews of various wines that we happen to sample. We are by no means wine experts, but we appreciate a good glass and want to develop our palates. Hopefully people reading this will be able to use our reviews to help find a decent bottle. Since we live in North Vancouver, our main source of wines is the BC Liquor Store. We will post a BCL SKU whenever possible.
Our inaugural wine is a 2006 Gewürztraminer from Chile called Cono Sur. Julia and I both really like Gewürztraminer, especially accompanying any Asian or Indian cuisine. The slightly sweeter and stronger flavour holds its own against the spiciness. Unfortunately this particular vintage was a little disappointing. It seems this wine was a perhaps a bit young, but in any event, it tasted sour. Not many flavours came through for me. Julia agreed that it had quite a sour note, was acidic, and was not complex enough.
Score: 75
BCL SKU #494708 / UPC #07804320753904